How To Forgive Yourself For Gambling

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So you just want to pull a prank to your best friends but it turn out really, really bad. Or maybe it's just a simple thing you never meant to do but your best friends got hurt by that. Perhaps you have step beyond their limits and got them really, really furious. You have no other choice but ask for their forgiveness. As you're the one on the wrong side and you have to save your friendship.

Forgiveness does not mean forgetting. Baked into our culture is the notion of “forgive and forget,”. Continue moving forward and forgive yourself for giving in to the temptation for a while. Continue taking actions towards your goals. Recognize Your Triggers and Stay Clear. It is one of the most common gambling addiction facts that triggers can make any addict relapse.

Asking for a forgiveness form best friends is gambling. You never know they will forgive you or not. Regarding the result, you have to try it first and show them your sincerity. If everything goes well, the will forgive you and you'll be as good as ever.

Here are some useful ways to get your best friends to forgive you:


1. Apologize To Them

First thing first, you have to acknowledge your mistakes by apologize to them. Ask to meet in private and tell them that you are sincerely sorry. Choose your favorite café or the park bench you usually sit to make the situation less awkward. Don't let your friendship showing the Signs a Friendship is Coming to an End.

2. Show Them That You Are Regretting

Tell them that you regret the action you have done which resulted in their anger. Be humble and vulnerable, do not insist that you're right. If your mistake is lying to them, you can say, 'I know I was wrong lying to you. I'll make no excuses. I regret it.' You may see a lot of Signs that Your Best Friend Hates You because of your mistake.

3. Emphasizing The 'I'

Place yourself as a subject in your apology. Focus on your perspective and what you did. Say 'I was wrong', 'I'm sorry', 'I regret it'. Never say 'you' or 'we' to them. Take that ways to get your best friends to forgive you.


4. Ask For Their Forgiveness

After explaining the situation and apologize, ask for their forgiveness. Be low, humble, and vulnerable. Do not put any pressure on them. You better say, 'After all that I did, could you still forgive me?'

5. Promise You Won't Do The Same Mistake

How To Forgive Yourself For Gambling

In order to make them forgive you, of course you have to promise them that you'll never do that thing again. Name it pulling a prank or lying to them. By promising this your friends would know that you sincerely regret and it'll help you to gain their forgiveness. Be honest because surely they know How to Tell If Your Friend is Lying.

6. Give Them Some Time

Even when they have forgive you, or if they have not, it will take some time for your friendship to recover. Give them some time alone when they're still angry. If the situation has calm down a bit, talk from heart to heart and ask for their forgiveness sincerely. It is not the same with the Signs That Your Best Friend is a Frenemy, because they simply need some time to calm down.

7. Give Their Own Space

Giving them time to think is not the same with giving the their own space. They may need some time alone without you. Let them be, because both of you will find the real meaning of your friendship through this process.

How To Forgive Yourself For Gambling

8. Talk To Them First

After the mistake you make and their apology, things will not get back as good as before in a short time. There will be time where your relationship is still awkward. Take the initiative and talk to them first. Things would get really awkward but since you are best friends, the awkwardness disappear when laughter come in.

How To Forgive Yourself And Move On

9. Give Them Surprise

Regrets has to be shown through action, not words only. Give them surprise to show how much you regret. Bring them your home made lunch of their favorite foods. Then they can feel your sincerity, and that you still want to be friends with them.

10. Prepare A Gift To Them

How To Forgive Yourself For Gambling

Give them some 'signs' of apology that they can keep forever. Make an album of your photos with them, along with apology letter in the end. This may be old and cheesy, but they will be touched by this. In the future, whenever both of you look at the album, you'll be remembered of what you have been through to make it this far.

11. Improve Your friendship


Something has to be better after the storm. Act maturely from then on by improving yourself from your past mistakes. If you have ever lie to them, be honest from now on and don't keep anything for yourself. Naked truth is better than best dressed lie, however.

12. Set The Boundaries

No matter how close you are and how long you have been in a friendship with them, there are some limits you should never pass. Set the clear boundaries and make sure you never cross each other's. If they don't like you gone through their phones, then never touch them except they let you to. This way, there will be no Signs That Your Friend is Fake, because you are sincerely love each other.

13. Spend Some Quality Time

Go enjoy yourself together! Hang out with them, eat delicious food, watch your favorite movies, enjoy the ride in the amusement park, or go on a holiday together. Have some quality time that only both of you can enjoy. This will add the pile of memories you have shared together.

How To Forgive Yourself For Gambling

So those are the useful ways to get you best friends to forgive you. Friendship is one of the greatest gift yo us, so keep them well and never let them slip out of your life. Having a true and reliable friends is enough to make you face the world everyday. Fix every broken branches in your friendship, and grow everyday.